Since 1929, Our Lady of Lourdes School in Slidell has been a special place, and we are forming a school Alumni Association to again share that joy.
Dear Our Lady of Lourdes School Alumni,
Our Lady of Lourdes School opened in 1929, and now has an estimated 3,000 graduates.
Beginning in 1929 the school was in Olde Towne Slidell and in 1963, the school began on the Westchester campus. The OLL Alumni Group is informal, as there are no dues or meetings. We would love to plan more events for alumni to gather!
To get in touch, please call the office, email [email protected], call Michele
Barrere at 985-707-4762, or join the Facebook page at: OurLadyofLourdesSlidellAlumni/
Fall Legacy Alumni Mass – Our OLL Alumni Group coordinates a Mass celebrating students currently in our school who also had a parent or grandparent graduate from Lourdes. We have had as many as 45 Legacy students in one school year. If your student is in our school and you have not yet filled out a Legacy Form, please call the school office. All Alumni are welcome to attend.
OLL Alumni Database – Yearbooks for Lourdes School began in the 1970s. All students in
every class have been added to an Excel database with over 2,500 names. Contact us to be sure your data is correct. With each graduating class, names are added to the database.
OLL Photo Repository – Photos from the earliest days of our school and church to the present are collected on a hard drive. Included are newspaper articles from the St. Tammany Farmer and the Times Picayune about our school and church. Pastor biographies are included where possible. We would love to have your photos, especially if you have 8th grade graduation photos on the old church steps.
OLL Alumni of the Year – In the spring, Lourdes School selects one special alumni to be
recognized as OLL Alumni of the Year. The recipient is recognized at an Archdiocese of New Orleans ceremony, along with those from other schools in the Archdiocese. Alumni of the Year are men and women who exemplify the values taught in Catholic schools and have given outstanding service.
7th Grade Graduating Luncheon – The graduating luncheon has been a Lourdes tradition for decades. A representative of the OLL Alumni Group attends the luncheon to give a short presentation and induct the students into the alumni group. The pledge includes recitation of the school motto. Graduates are awarded an “ALUMNI” ribbon.
Alumni Mass – Held periodically during a Sunday mass in the spring, this mass is advertised throughout the Slidell community for any alumni of any year to attend.
7th Grade Service Project – the Lourdes Cemetery - The 7th grade class makes an annual trip to the Lourdes Cemetery on Canulette Road in Slidell to clean the tombs in readiness for All Saints Day, a New Orleans tradition. The Alumni Group has created a video presentation for them to watch prior to the trip to give them a better understanding of the history of All Saints Day and the cemetery.